About the WCFT Competition
About the WCFT Competition
The Women Composing for Trumpet Competition was created to add to the list of "standard" trumpet repertoire composed by women. Though there are many incredible compositions by women for solo trumpet, the only one that is considered "standard" by the trumpet community is the Pakhmutova, written in 1955.
The Women Composing for Trumpet Competition was created to add to the list of "standard" trumpet repertoire composed by women. Though there are many incredible compositions by women for solo trumpet, the only one that is considered "standard" by the trumpet community is the Pakhmutova, written in 1955.
It is the goal of this competition to bring light to this matter, as well as give modern women composers the opportunity to contribute to this list of "standards" and be recognized for their accomplishments. The WCFT is a non-profit competition and all additional proceeds will be donated to the International Women's Brass Conference.
It is the goal of this competition to bring light to this matter, as well as give modern women composers the opportunity to contribute to this list of "standards" and be recognized for their accomplishments. The WCFT is a non-profit competition and all additional proceeds will be donated to the International Women's Brass Conference.
Our Mission
Our Mission
To contribute TWO new major works to the list of what is considered "standard" solo trumpet repertoire written by women composers
To contribute TWO new major works to the list of what is considered "standard" solo trumpet repertoire written by women composers
to create more opportunities for modern women composers to be recognized for their work
to create more opportunities for modern women composers to be recognized for their work
Check out the official WCFT Competition website here